Congratulations to our friends at Bluet

Bluet and rha cheers


In case you missed it, last season we had the opportunity to be on Greenlight Maine. Greenlight Maine is a local television show where entrepreneurs pitch their business to a panel of experts. The experts choose a winner and they move on to coaching and the next round. Think Shark Tank but Maine-ier. The winner at the end of the whole season takes home $100,000. 

We showed up to our taping and found out we were paired up to face-off against Bluet, a company that makes sparkling wine from Maine blueberries.

Long story short... they whooped our butts. The full episode and my little interview clip are below. It was a great experience. We are so happy we got to meet Michael and Eric and even share some wine with them.

The show wrapped up the other week and Bluet ended up taking home the whole prize of $100,000 (read the Portland Press Herald article about their win). We just wanted to congratulate Michael and Eric. If you have to get your butt whooped, it might as well be by the guys who take it all home! We couldn't have lost to two better guys. Congrats and we can't wait to see what you do next!

behind the scenes at Greenlight Maine
Amanda Denniston